The BestBrewChallenge 2025 is dedicated to a challenging and multi-faceted beer style: Oatmeal Stout

This style is known for its deep black, opaque color and entices with intense aromas of malt, coffee, and dark chocolate on the palate. The finish is marked by a characteristic roasted flavor created by the use of roasted malt.

Depending on the brewing approach, the taste range can vary from dry and bitter to creamy and full-bodied. As in previous years, BESTMALZ specifies a particular malt to be used – this year, it is BEST Oat Malt. Additional ingredients such as BEST Chocolate, BEST Roasted Malt, or BEST Roasted Malt eXtra may be added to enhance the beer’s unique character and are recommended by BESTMALZ. For yeast, AEB FERMOALE AY 3 is recommended, as it is ideal for this style of beer. As always, the German Purity Law must be adhered to.

Brewers from around the world – from homebrewers and small craft breweries to large brewing companies – are invited to participate in the BestBrewChallenge. Participation is free of charge. The winning beer will be brewed on a large scale and presented at this year’s Drinktec in Munich, the world’s largest trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry, where the award ceremony will also take place.

The first-place winner will receive a trip to Munich with accommodation for two people. Additionally, the top three beers will receive a professional beer analysis. Prizes will also be awarded for the most creative bottle labels and packaging.

All submitted beers will be expertly judged by sommeliers, and feedback will be sent to all participants along with a participation T-shirt.

Important dates for the BestBrewChallenge 2025:

  • Registration deadline: March 27, 2025
  • Brewing of the competition beer: March 28-30, 2025
  • Closing date for entries: May 30, 2025

All information on the conditions of participation and registration can be found at

Our new address:
Palatia Malz GmbH
Am Bahnbetriebswerk 5
69115 Heidelberg

For further information please contact:

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